Consistent Branding is Key

The key for making your photography business recognizable and memorable is… you guessed it- consistent branding! It involves creating a unified look and feel across all of your Instagram content. This helps create and maintain a strong identity that your audience can easily identify and connect with.

The goal is for a follower to see your reel and KNOW it came from you without checking the profile. Think of it as training your follower’s eyes. Once they like your style and give you a follow, they will see your content and just innately know you posted it. This also (and more importantly) changes the way they consume your content. Instead of just paying attention to the colors/filters/composition of the photo, they will start looking at the SUBJECT of the photo (aka the people or products) and will start to identify with them.

This is how you start consistently converting followers into clients. You help them to visualize themselves in your photos and create the desire to work with you!

Here are three quick things you can do today to make sure you’re ready to start (or keep) creating a consistent brand:

  • Choose a consistent color scheme, filters, and/or composition style for your photos. This makes your feed look cohesive. Give yourself permission to go back and delete any posts that don’t fit this style as well!

  • Use Instagram Stories Highlights to showcase your top photoshoots and client testimonials. This gives new visitors a quick overview of your best work. Similarly, pin the work that people have enjoyed the most AND that you think best conveys your style.

  • Your website/link in bio should maintain a consistent experience for your clients. Take some time to go through your website and make sure that it is consistent with your Instagram profile and the style/composition that you are advertising.

Give these tips a go and let me know what you think!


Dear Savannah Brides…


White Rabbit Studio