Leveraging IG Stories

Instagram Stories are a super powerful tool to engage with your followers on a more intimate level. By sharing behind-the-scenes content, you can create a sense of connection and exclusivity. Stories also allow you to showcase your work process and interact with your followers in real time, keeping them excited about your work!

Here’s your IG story content to-do list:

  1. Plan Your Content: Decide which moments of your photoshoots you want to highlight. Include the setup process, key moments, and sneak peeks of the final shots. (Bonus: you can reuse these shots for a reel later!)

  2. Add Personal Touches: Add some thoughts or insights as text over the story (related to the shoot). This helps build a stronger connection with your audience.

  3. Highlight Client Reactions: Show your clients' reactions to their photos! This adds credibility and excitement to the prospect of working with you.

  4. Consistency is Key: Post regularly to keep your audience engaged and looking forward to your Stories! I promise this is the most important tip.

Remember: The more interactions you get with your stories, the more Instagram will push them to your audience! So always encourage your followers to like, interact, and reply to your stories. Luckily, Instagram makes this a little easier by adding stickers, poll boxes, question boxes, et cetera!

I hope you found these tips helpful! Keep an eye out for more marketing tips and sign up for our newsletter to know when a new blog post is live!


Claire and the Wonderland Team


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Cheshire Cat Studio