Tricks for Comforting the Camera-Shy Client

As an individual that’s a little nervous in front of the camera, I can really empathize with clients that are camera-shy! We all know that working with camera-shy clients can be a bit challenging, oftentimes we can see the tension and discomfort displayed in their body language and on their face. But fear not! We've got your back with some nifty tricks and tips to help you make your camera-shy clients feel comfortable and capture those stunning shots. So, let's dive right in!

  • Start your photoshoot by engaging in a friendly conversation. Ask about their interests, hobbies, or even their favorite TV shows. This not only helps to build rapport but also distracts them from the camera. Remember, a relaxed client is a confident client!

  • We always recommend picking a shooting location that has a changing room or bathroom where the client can feel safe and have a moment to themselves to center. It's also a good idea to play some music- either easy listening music, or ask for music recommendations from them to help boost their main character energy!

  • Gently guide your clients into natural movements and poses! Instead of asking them to strike a pose, suggest activities or scenarios that evoke genuine emotions. For example, have them reflect on a specific memory that evokes a specific emotion, dance to the music, or just shake out the nerves. This way, they'll forget about the camera and focus on the moment.

  • Throughout the photoshoot, don't forget to shower your clients with praise and positive reinforcement. Compliment their efforts, highlight their best features, and let them know how amazing they're doing. Boosting their confidence will help them relax and bring out their true selves in front of the camera.

  • Props can work wonders in diverting attention away from the camera. Bring along some fun and interactive props that resonate with your client's personality or interests. It could be anything from colorful balloons, a bouquet of flowers, a book, hair brush, suitcase, the options are endless! Props not only add a playful touch to the shoot but also help your client relax and forget about their camera shyness.

With these tricks up your sleeve, you're well-equipped to handle camera-shy clients like a pro! Remember, it's all about creating a comfortable and enjoyable experience for your clients. By breaking the ice, creating a welcoming environment, encouraging natural movements, offering praise, and using props, you'll capture beautiful moments that reflect their true selves. So go ahead, embrace the challenge, and create magical memories with your camera-shy clients!

Happy shooting, and may the camera-shy be camera-sly!


Queen of Hearts Studio (Retro-Revival Styling)


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